Truly sustainable, fully personalised

With Inyova, you invest in companies that are solving big global challenges – in areas like renewable energy, plant-based food, and gender equality.

Personalise your investment strategy in just a few clicks. We do the hard work: designing your strategy for long-term growth and scrutinising every company against strict financial and sustainability criteria.

Complete your strategy

You call the shots, we do the heavy lifting

Real impact Invest in stocks and bonds that have traceable sustainable impact. This gives you power. We'll show you what to do with it.
Flexibility & returns Enjoy attractive returns in the long-run, with full flexibility to add and withdraw money along the way
No hassles We monitor your companies, rebalance your portfolio regularly, and track your investment against strict financial criteria

Annual fee

0.6 - 1.2

Your own secure Swiss bank account
Unlimited investments & withdrawals
All transactions & currency exchange fees
Local customer support
Dedicated impact team
Financial reporting & tax statements
Annual strategy adjustment
Regular rebalancing
Continuous risk management
Corporate Action Management
Show what else is included

* Get 6 month-free if you start investing before 27th May. For new customers only, T&Cs apply

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